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WHA Gear

WHA Hockey Apparel


I am the spirit wear director again for this upcoming hockey season!  I am very excited about this year's line of apparel as we have added a few new items to go with some of the old favorites.   We will still utilize Dominic's Sports Wear (143 Hartman Road, Suite 10, Greensburg) for our regular spirit wear sales. But we have also added a lot of new merchandise to our WHA Squad Locker inventory!

This year you will be able to order apparel online from Squad Locker at any time throughout the season.  You do not have to wait for the periodic Spirit Wear sales. We may look to have live sale events at the annual banquet, around tryouts, during picture day, or in early December for a holiday sale.  More to come on this! 

In the meantime, you are able to start ordering apparel now!  For all orders placed on Squad Locker, a small percentage comes back to the organization. 

Again, I am very excited to offer some cool new items that we are all proud to wear.  If you have any suggestions or comments please email me.

Thanks and have a great season!

Amy Roberts


Squad Locker Sample Items